The Fens here have been somewhat soggy of late, to the point I might have needed to call in the Insulae Draconis Navy for help. If it continues like this, we can have Dragon Boat races at Ormthing.

The photos and smiles in the events in March brought home the message of what this rambunctious society is all about, the pleasure, practice, excellence, exploration, community and friendships that connect us across lands and interests. The calendar is filling up, so hopefully there will be something for you at an event this summer, large or small, long or short, from day-trips to epic camping.

In April alone, there will be Flintmoot, Pont Alarch Shire Day, and of course Flaming Arrow at an excellent site near Belfast. May is looking very busy too, so I hope to meet you at least once this summer!

There are more activities out there locally, so please do contact your local branch and join them in arts martial and scientific, or just the revelry and friendship.

Ormthing is looking great in development. We have a strong event leadership, who are fizzing with ideas on making this nione-day camp in Cambridgeshire a highlight of the calendar. I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible there.

Looking further ahead, the autumn and winter calendar is also filling up, with Coronet Tournament in Eplaheimr and Yule at Buckden Towers. There is even rumour of a cracking event in October, involving lots of stabby things, watch this space!

I am particularly looking for event submissions for 2024 – a lot of the more cool and period venues often book out fast due to weddings (and even filming), and it is Insulae Draconis’s turn to hold Spring Crown Tourney in twelve months time.

This month sees the launch of a revised Finance policy. Money is the sinew of war, and also all of our activities; we have an underlying economy that sees them run, that allows us to hire venues, pay for the wonderful feasts, buy in new equipment, help ensure our Royals can visit your branches as much as possible, and generally grow the Principality.

With changes in banking practice, including on to online and contactless payments, a lot of numeric heads have been overhauling the rules by which we behave and handle money. We hope that these rules will provide a greater flexibility for branches and event teams, as well as clearer lines of responsibility, transparency and governance, particularly in relation to Principality support and sponsorship.

This policy is provisional, as in it is live, and we are looking for populace comment by the end of June, so that a final, formal, version can be added into the Principality Laws at the next Parliament.

As ever,
In Service
