Alexandre Princeps et Eularia Princepissa Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutemus!

June was a busy month in the Principality. Strawberry Raids was a grand event, even given the rocky start His Highness had on the Friday. His Highness would like to thank the event team and House Green for both the event and for taking care of him when he was feeling poorly. He would also like to thank all of the visitors from other kingdoms who added to the splendour of the event, and to His Majesty Krake, who honoured us with his presence.

A few short weeks later, we travelled to the Shire of Polderslot for Drachenwald Thirty Year and the Coronation of Sven and Siobhán. What a splendid event that was. Polderslot is to be congratulated for herding a wide variety of cats and organising a great many complicated issues into magnificent shape. The display of the history of Drachenwald as first a Principality and then a Kingdom was fascinating and memorable. It was truly a celebration to remember, and not only for the heat.

As we write, we are preparing to attend another historic event, Eplaheimr Tionòl Barùnach! This will be the investiture of the second baronial pair in Eplaheimr, and the first to take place in person, since the Shire was created a Barony during lockdown. We offer our thanks to Etienne and Melisande for their work on the thrones, and congratulate Rogned and Edel on their selection as heirs. May your reign be happy and prosperous.

Ormþing is coming! Registration opened on 1 June, and we encourage you to join us for what promises to be an exciting week of arts peaceful and martial, and good fellowship. With luck it won’t be too hot! His Highness will only be attending the latter half of the event, but may have Pennsic stories to share.

July in the Principality is not quite as busy as June was, so rest up and prepare for August!

As a final note, the tournament to select our heirs has been scheduled. Eplaheimr will host Ilchomórtas Coróineád, our coronet tourney, 17-19 November. If you are considering contending for our coronets and thrones, please review the requirements in law, and begin your preparations.

Eularia and Alexandre, Princess and Prince