Greetings from Drachenwald’s Posthorn Herald!

I hope that you have all seen the good work that the kingdom web team has done to give the Order of Precedence (OP) website a facelift:

You may also have noticed if you use the “Advanced search” that there are very few modern names listed? This is not a mistake but rather a strategy to move from an “opt-out” position regarding publishing everyone’s modern names, to an “opt-in” so that people can have more control over what information regarding themselves is made public.

Currently, the only way to get your modern name listed in the OP again, is to fill out an online form at an event with one of Posthorn’s representatives. This “consent form” also allows people to preemptively give or deny permission for both their modern name and their SCA name to be listed on the same page, as well as an option to provide their pronouns and title(s) if they want to.

I expect to be able to offer this service of collecting answers to the “consent form” more widely in the future. Until then, please feel free to send in your heraldry to be added to your OP page. Instructions can be found on the Correction link of either the main OP webpage or your persona’s OP webpage.

Yours In Service,
Countess Jacquelyna de Bellmont
Drachenwald Posthorn Herald