Greetings My Lords, Ladies and Gentle Nobles

The first year of my term in Office has been extraordinarily busy and has flown by in a blink of an eye. It has been my privilege and honour to discover not only how immensely talented each of you are, but that your generosity of spirit and kindness and indeed your patience with one who, sometimes will admit to have been a bit lost, has earned you my undying thanks.

Órlaith Chaomhánach

So to business:

Appointment of Deputy Minister of Arts and Science - Insulae Draconis

I am thrilled to announce that The Honourable Lady Órlaith Chaomhánach has accepted the role of Deputy MOAS - ID until September 2024. Then, will formally take over from me as your Minister of Arts and Sciences for Insulae Draconis serving for the next two years.

Lady Órlaith has been a member of the SCA for over 10 years, and apart from her beloved trees and forests of Medieval Ireland research, is primarily interested in colour; how it was made, how it was applied and what it represented in period - inks and pigments, particularly lake pigments, fabric and leather dyes and experiments with period fabric dyes and methods on a regular basis in Lough Devnaree. She also does glass bead making, and is interested in glass making, from forest glass to the more sophisticated methods from Murano, Venice. She loves Science in making , so metal casting, pottery and leatherwork at a beginner level and woodwork, particularly wood turning, all hugely appeal to her, as does sharing what she’s learning with others at workshops. She enjoys Illumination and some Calligraphy hands and will be returning to scroll making very shortly. She cooks, preferring to do so for smaller events and research. Oh and she has plans to build proper siege weapons.

Change of Shire Officers

New Officer Appointments

Minister of Arts and Sciences for Klakavirki: Sir Padraig of Klakavirki.

Term began on 25 Aug 2023 and ends on 31 Dec 2024.

Minister of Arts and Sciences for Flintheath: The Honorable Lady Bronwen Selwyn

Term began on 12 Jun 2023 and ends on 01 Jun 2025.

A warm welcome to you both, I am looking forward sharing this great adventure with you.

Outgoing MOAS Officers

Two MOAS Officers have completed their term of office:

For Flintheath: Lady Milada von Schnecken

For Pont Alarch: Lord Colin of Okynfirth

Usually a Shire Officer will serve a term of two years - and it is with sadness that I have said ‘au revoir’ to two excellent Officers. They have served both their Shires with great devotion and honour. I will miss them both greatly.

MOAS Vacancies

Whilst Shire’s within Insulae Draconis are not obligated to appoint a Minister of Arts & Science, I do believe that this Officer has a vital role to play in ensuring that the wonderful deeds and creations are reported on and recorded for all future generations.

The term of office is normally for two years. A Minister is able to appoint one or more deputies. The only formal requirement is to send in one report each quarter - and I do so love the wonderful pictures of projects.

Does your Shire currently have a MOAS Officer? Interested? Then register your interest with your Shire Seneschal.

Second Year Term - what should be my focus?

With the appointment of a Deputy, my thoughts are now turning to what I would dearly love to achieve by the time my second term of office concludes.

It is a difficult choice.

Eventually, I settled on a number of projects that are quite dear to my heart:

  • writing new content for the ID Arts and Science web page;
  • increase the awareness of the ‘Science’ within the populous;
  • and I really, really would be thrilled to see both young and old members learn at least one dance.

Apparently, there is a ‘kicking of the tassel’ dance, which whilst I am quite, quite sure my doddery old legs would not be able to manage, I am assured that the young squires, fondly known as ‘younglings’, would take to like ducks to water.

If anyone can tell me what this dance is more formally called - there will be a small prize for the first correct answer in my inbox.


Frue Áfríðr Eiríksdóttir
Minister of Arts & Science - Insulae Draconis

October 2023