Greetings Noble Cousins,

We have returned from Coronet XX victorious. We commend to you all the nobles who contested the tournament and thank them for their willingness to serve. We would like to thank our Predecessors, Their Excellencies Eularia Trewe and Alexandre d’Avignon, long beloved of Us and the Principality. Their care for These Lands and the People has been inspirational and We will faithfully care for and build upon Their commendable reign.

We would also like to thank the Barony of Eplaheimr for hosting this glorious celebration of Our Fair Principality. The Barony is a joyous and welcoming place that once again demonstrated their capacity for splendor in hosting the Coronet. We exercise the greatest patience in waiting for our next opportunity to once more visit that bright Land and People.

We look forward to celebrating this winter season with those who would join us at Yule Ball. We know there will be much merriment and good company there. Yule Ball is a gateway to a season of reflection, a time to enjoy a warm fire and close friends, a period of peace and quietude. We ask that you take this opportunity to find the small joys that are often overlooked in the busy seasons of summer, and to allow yourself time to enjoy the quiet moments.

Prince Roland and I look forward to spending time with every one of you at any opportunity in the coming months. As We enter Our reign at the gates of winter, know that you all are in our thoughts and this Principality is one of the joys that We will be reflecting on during the long winter nights.

During Our reign it is Our wish to stay in contact with Our Populace. We would ask anyone needing to reach us to be considerate of 2 things. We keep separate Households, therefore, please include Us both in all communications. We encourage Our people to enjoy social media platforms of their choice. You will find Us on some platforms. However, if you want to ensure We see information or respond to you, please use our Official e-mail accounts.

Yours in Service to the Principality,
Jahanara, Princess and Roland Prince