With Spring Crown in Lough Devnaree next month, Etienne was kind enough to write about his experience of entering Coronet Tourney for the first time a few months ago.
I entered my first coronet last autumn, only to learn the day before my consort was affected by the plague and couldn’t be present. Despite this, everyone went above and beyond to exceptionally allow me to present myself in the tournament with a consort in abstentia. I held her heraldry as much as I could and was presented with a lovely artistic representation of herself.
The tournament went better than I expected, and the tie for third place which I ended up getting seemed to go on forever with multiple bouts without a decisive victor, it was fantastic. Our shire of Dun In Mara was well represented with six of our fighters present, and our shiremate Mícheál Breathnach got to get to the finals. A wonderful first coronet in which I only missed my consort, but we will reiterate the experience at the crown tournament!