Greetings Noble Cousins,

We very much enjoyed your companionship at St. Bede’s Fair and Strawberry Raid! And during these events, His Highness and I are well pleased with all those who have taken up the challenge to hone your skill at boasts at every opportunity. The boasts of Insulae Draconis inspire the gods to greater efforts, cause Our enemies to quake in terror, and draw sobs of pathos from the most hardened heart!

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time to tasks great and small at St. Bede’s. Events only happen through the work of our volunteers. We would like to ask everyone to consider volunteering a small amount of time at each event, especially those events outside your local group. For every person who volunteers one hour at an event, a local group member gets an hour of time to spend with their friends and enjoy the event.

We truly enjoyed our time in the Strawberry Fields of Dun in Mara. I especially enjoyed the classes, and, of course, the fibre arts themed day! My own class on the Insula Drsconis Fibre Guild was well attended. The Fibre Guild Charter can be found on the Principality website. If you have any questions, please contact Lady Juliana, the ID Fibre Guild Head.

Strawberry Raid was full of celebration as Their Royal Majesties recognized two members of Our populace as Peers of the Realm. Maestra Valda was justly recognized as a Pelican for her long standing and caring service to the Principality and the Kingdom. Their Royal Majesties Stigot and Lofnheiðr recognized Viscount Alexandre as a Knight of the Realm. This was a historic moment for the Principality and the Kingdom, as Sir Alexandre became the Kingdom’s first quintuple Peer.

As We look to Our summer months full of sun and revelry, We are reminded that it is wise to seek Heirs to these great lands. We will hold Our Coronet Tournament at Ormþing, this year held at Caldicot Castle. Our Seneschal will soon be seeking Letters of Intent. So we ask Our populace to consider if You are willing to Serve the Principality and the Kingdom as reigning in these lands? To learn more of the rights and responsibilities of reigning, as well as eligibility criteria and other useful information to inform and encourage, We suggest you take a few moments to read Our laws here.

The format for the Coronet Tournament will be announced shortly, but in the meantime, We as always highly encourage heavy fighters to become familiar with weapon systems other than sword and shield, whether in using them or defending from them. Letters of Intent will be due no later than 15 July. In the letters, please provide:

  1. a statement in your letter attesting the desire of the Entrant and Consort to compete in the Tournament
  2. the mundane names, addresses, telephone numbers and electronic mailing addresses of both Entrant and Consort, and
  3. proof of authorization for the weapon system(s) the Entrant is authorized to compete with.

Please send the Letter of Intent as a text in the body of an e-mail to the Senechal and Ourselves; a document also detailing the above criteria may be attached but is not required.

We very much look forward to spending as much time with all of you as we can in the upcoming weeks of summer, and wish you all the best!

Jahanara, Princess and Roland, Prince

Senechal Guy de Dinan’s e-mail address:
Prince Roland’s e-mail address:
Princess Jahanara’s e-mail address: