Demat, penaos emañ kont?

It’s June already! I have to admit I’ve never got the hang of linear time…

Anyway, June is Pride month, a time for celebration but also a time for recognition of the social and political struggles for equality, for the right to love freely and be one’s authentic self. The SCA is about portraying who we want to be on our own terms, yet even here it has been a struggle - It has only been just under twelve years since Inspirational Equality and the ability of same-sex couples became a reality.

This hasn’t been a one-and-done milestone, the work of the Diversity Equality Inclusivity and Belonging officers and teams continues. This role has only just become an official officer role. The SCA should be a large tent, a safe space, or at least as safe as we can uphold it. Transgressions should be called out, no-one should feel targeted for who they are within and outside of the SCA. We believe in Chivalry, so let’s practice it.

Accessibility Team Seeks New Members

With that in mind, I would like to highlight the work of the Accessibility Team, who are working on the DEIB progress of the Principality as well as accessibility issues in general. To date, they have provided me with great assistance having:

  • created the ID event accessibility guide
  • drafted the communicable disease policy
  • ensured the inclusivity statement originally for Dun in Mara was also posted on the ID website
  • shared original and pre-existing SCA DEIB resources with the ID populace
  • fed into DEIB events at Practical Drachenwald, such as the accessibility and inclusion round table

We are looking for two passionate individuals who are committed to encouraging a culture of belonging for people of all backgrounds. As a member of the DEI team, you will be contributing to educational and policy efforts to make our Principality more inclusive to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual or romantic orientation, gender identity or expression, mental or physical disability, or marital status.

You do not have to be part of a marginalised community to apply, just have knowledge of DEI issues. As part of a team of six, strong communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills are a plus.

To express your interest, please email Guy de Dinan, Seneschal of Insulae Draconis, at

Also, if you unfortunately receive poor or malicious treatment within the SCA sphere, please also drop me a line in total confidentiality.

August Coronet - Couronne de Caldicot

We have 75 bookings already! There’s plenty of space for you too! Five days, camping at a Welsh Castle - five years since the last Raglan. As well as the Coronet and old favourites like the Oxford Roll where our Shires clash for the honour and bragging rights (Yes, Pont Alarch, we know…) and archery off the battlements, there will be new features, (hopefully) the cavalry of Insulae Draconis will be in attendance, there will also be an opt-in feast (extra ticket - 80 places only), arts and sciences under shelter, a tour of a local meadery, and rumours also of uppity peasants who might be good at throwing things….

Caldicot has its own rail station, is just off the M4 and M48 motorways, and is situated between Cardiff and Bristol airports. There is an ALDI, an ASDA, even a Greggs in walking distance for supplies over the five days.

So, come join in, see your mates, make new friends and have a jolly old time!

ID Summer Event 2025 - Calling all Event Stewards!

It may be some time away, but the Principality’s summer event is up for grabs and is needed to start assembling a planning team pretty soon. Couronne de Caldicot’s been in the works for nearly eighteen months, and getting a prestige site for a decent hire fee takes a lot of forward planning. Caldicot could happen again, or you may know of another cool site. Drop me a line.

Handing in my Notice

It is three months now until I hang up my quill and step away from the role of Seneschal. The hunt is on for my successor. Surprising no-one, I am bringing in a form to help move things into a more open process than just tapping on a shoulder. I am happy to answer questions below.

I have peviously been asked to summarise what I think the Principality Seneschal role is, as even with my own experience as Thamesreach Seneschal there were surprises, and this is my response: Applications are invited to the appointment of the Principality of Insulae Draconis Seneschal. The term is expected to run from September 2024 to September 2026, or thereabouts. The Principality is an organisation of many moving parts, with both an internal and and external face, including media and online. How the Seneschal approaches this is up to them, but the minimum requirements are set out below. This will need somewhere between 2-5 hours a week of focus, depending on activity, objectives and inclination. Liaison with other Principality Officers is critical to this role. This role involves a lot of timely correspondence, so a decent internet connection and online presence is key. The office uses Google Workspace for secure and traceable information and confidentiality. The Seneschal has overall administrative responsibility of the Principality. The officer is expected to liaise with the Royalty as and when they are chosen through the Coronet. Shire, Barony and other group Seneschals report quarterly to them, and the Principality Seneschal responds to issues and concerns, as well as supporting opportunities arising. In turn, the Principality Seneschal reports to the Kingdom Seneschal quarterly. The Principality Seneschal is expected to be familiar with the SCA Corpora and Principality Law. The Principality Seneschal also liaises with the SCA UK Community Interest Corporation on legal and insurance matters, including development and overseeing of processes and requirements to meet that insurance as well as legal requirements of the real world jurisdictions within our Principality.

Any queries, please contact Adam Edwards (Guy de Dinan) -

I am sure I have forgotten things for this month, so shout out on social media if I owe you a call back.

In Service
