Dear Populace of Insulae Draconis,

It is with a heavy heart that we put pen to paper to write this, our last letter to you as your Prince and Princess. We thank you all for the love and support We have received, and for all that each and every one of you do to make this the most special place in the Kingdom, and indeed in the Society. Your talents, erudition, creativity, and generosity of spirit continue to leave Us in awe and thankful to be able to continue to share moments of laughter and fun with you. We also wish to extend an especial word of gratitude to Our Retinue, whose strong shoulders bore so many burdens behind the scenes; you all have made Our reign a joyous time.

We look forward to seeing everyone again after we have stepped down, and will leave you with a final request. We ask that each of us remember why we joined the Society and find so much fulfillment in it: it is because of the people that make up our community. As in all personal relationships there will be tensions, but every person has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. None of us can truly know what is in another’s heart or what other challenges they are dealing with in their lives. We ask that everyone’s first response is to offer the benefit of the doubt, and at all times to treat with others in the spirit of chivalry that is the core of our Society.

In love and gratitude,

Roland, Prince
Jahanara, Princess