Unto Our Beloved Insulae Draconis do Prince Alexander and Princess Agnes send Greetings and Wishes for Prosperity and Health;

The Wheel turns, and as the summer breaks into autumn, so too change the custodians of the Celestial thrones of Insulae Draconis. We, your new Princes, salute all those whom these letters may find. Alexander stands strong in Depedene Under Wychwood, casting His eye across the Eastern Island, and Agnes, in the halls of Dun In Mara, guards the lands in the West. Together, We vow to preserve and cultivate these all Our islands, great and small, set apart but never truly separated by the sea.

We have Priorities for Our Reign that We wish to share with you.

Firstly, it is important to Us that Our Principality is welcoming and accommodating of Families, no matter what form they take. Children are very welcome in Our Courts, and any caring duties should always come first. If your family does not participate in the Principality’s activities, please make sure to spend time with them in the mundane life and show them how important they are to you. Please also remember that you yourself are important, and take time to yourself when you need it. The Principality is not going anywhere.

In Our Presence, please conduct yourself in a manner that is comfortable to you while still being respectful. Please only rise or kneel if you are comfortably able to do so. If you are Called Forth and would rather not do so by yourself, please ask a Friend to escort you.

We have advised Our outgoing and incoming Seneschals that We wish to see work continue on the Principality Complaints Process and expect a working draft during Our Reign. We expect everyone in Our Principality to act according to the Code of Conduct set out by the Kingdom and by the Society at large, and We remind everyone to take care of their words and actions in order to not create misunderstandings or fear. If We hear or witness behaviour that is contrary to these Our values, We will step in and take action as much as is within our powers.

It is further important to Us that Processes and Customs attached to the Reign of the Coronets as well as those of Our Officers are transparent as much as possible without compromising Confidence. Therefore We will communicate with all of you a lot and We invite questions and interactions should you wish for further information on something.

In the short two weeks since Our ascension to the Thrones of the Principality, we have already seen many of Our people at two events, in Dun In Mara and in Pont Alarch. We look forward to seeing many more in the coming months. Her Highness is particularly interested in visiting small local events and practices, so please feel free to send Us an invite, should you have such things planned.

In Service to Their Draconic Majesties, the Kingdom, and the Principality,
Alexander & Agnes