LOST Bunting belonging to Thamesreach
Can I ask everyone to check their stashes, cupboards and boxes - I am looking to track down the whereabouts of the Thamesreach bunting.
Note: these were not at the event and have been on a little sojourn for a while.
If you have any news at all please contact myself or Oriane d’Avallon

MOAS Bunting
Muchly missed and last seen decorating the A&S space under the great awning in the court yard at Caldicot Coronent.
Blue and white alternate bunting. The blue triangles have a single candle design on them
Please contact me (Áfríðr) if you have my little cherubs. Amnesty assured.
Good news… I now have a new hat…. unless of course, it is claimed.

A lovely steel grey colour with decorative trim. It was returned to me in my box of flags.
Please contact me if you are missing this lovely head wear to arrange safe return.
Many thanks
Áfríðr Eiríksdóttir
Contact email: archery dot pontalarch@gmail dot com