A Feast of Flags, Flags, more Flags and of course - Bunting
Ormþing LIX - Couronne de Caldicot was held at Caldicot Castle August 2024. It was to be a moving and memorable event by all those who attended.
Caldicot Castle has a fascinating and rich history. It is thought that a timber motte and bailey was built sometime in the first quarter of the 12th Century by the Sheriff of Gloucester, Walter Fitz Roger. Its full story can be read at Medieval Heritage. And my goodness, it has to be said that even the remaining standing stones make a huge impression upon visitors today.
As Scandians from across the Principality gathered together - the joy that is uniquely ours - when, for the first time, we saw our flags and bunting fluttering from the stone walls in the warm sunshine. There is nothing quite like the sight and so without further preamble I would like to share with you all just a few of the photos I took (very) early on Sunday morning, as I sat waiting for the Castle Staff to come on duty so that I could retrieve the Prince and Princess Badges from the main Feasting Hall.
Gonfalons Galore

Insulae Draconis Gonfalon along with, I think - the Drachenwald dragon shield, hanging on the Square Tower. To give you some idea of scale, the Insulae Draconis Gonfalon is 15 FOOT (4.57 meters) long and 5 FEET (1.52 meters) wide. Basking in the warm sunshine early on Sunday morning.
My grateful thanks to Flintheath - for the loan of their precious heraldry.

The Pont Alarch Gonfalon stirring in the gentle breeze… I think you will agree… A GLORIOUS sight to behold.
Thank you to Pont Alarch for the loan of their Gonfalon
SCA Heraldry - how many do you recognise?

A smaller Insulae Draconis heraldic flag - made in wool on display. I was rather worried about this treasure getting wet if it rained. Happily the weather remained remarkably clement throughout the whole event.
Many thanks to Flintheath for the loan of this amazing piece of artwork.

A few personal heraldry and shire flags to brighten up the castle wall…
Perhaps some shields on the motte might look amazing next time around?
A Fine Display of Bunting

An early Sunday morning addition to the festival of flags… this amazing bunting looked stunning. Perhaps next year there definitely ought to be a shout out for more bunting… lots more bunting… Many many thanks to Lady Amy Osgoldcross for her creative vision and patience in crafting this fabulous display.
Prince and Princess Badges
Insulae Draconis Prince and Princess Badge’s - completed just in time for the Coronet! These were on display in the main Feasting Hall of the Castle.
Lots and lots of sewing - and even more painting than I expected. They both took me around four months to complete… the full (dramatic) saga / (tall tale) of woe, disasters and heroics surrounding the creation of these Badges will have to wait until next time.

A Token of Thanks and Appreciation
I would like to thank everyone who helped me by providing flags - your generosity knows no bounds - and of which I had an abundance - so apologies if your flag was not on display this time around. Do not fear - there is of course always next year.
My undying thanks, appreciation and heartfelt thanks goes to my helpers and support / encouragement team members for their extraordinary efforts and indeed anyone who helped with hanging, arranging, and making sure everything was safe and ready in time. There were several moments when my heart was in my mouth as I watched anxiously when you were scrambling around castle the high places.
As a memento, I presented each with a homemade but beautifully crafted, tiny viking shield painted in my own red and white heraldic colours. I hopefully, managed to gift everyone who stepped up.. but if I missed, and you would like to claim your trophy - please do contact me.

And finally, my very very grateful thanks to Lady Hannah, my Set Dresser Deputy for completing the take down on the Monday - thus allowing me to travel home on Sunday in the heated seat comfort of the car - rather than battle across country on the train.
The castle, I think you all will agree, looked absolutely amazing - and its all thanks to each of you.
Áfríðr Eiríksdóttir Set Dresser @ Ormþing LIX - Couronne de Caldicot