Unto the populace of Insulae Draconis greetings.
The season of contemplation is upon us. Long dark nights, warm fires and strong ale lead to a person reflecting upon the world and their place within it.
We in our society pride ourselves on being welcoming, open and progressive. We celebrate diversity, reward effort and celebrate those who enrich our lives through their service.
But as the contemporay saying goes. A fall can soon follow excesive pride or hubris. As Princes we are asking ourselves, are we truly welcoming?
So our challenge to the populace is. If a pair of newcomers turned up to your event or practice and wanted to partake in an activity that you already carry out in the Barony/shire/hamlet, could they?
If not we would like you to consider the logistics of making such a thing possible. For by planting such seeds your gardens will grow and our principality will shine.
Referring back to our previous missive, this cannot rest on a single persons back. A group and a community are always more successful the better they collaborate.
Yours in Service
Alexander & Agnes
Principes Insulae Draconis