The Baelfyr
Official newsletter of the Principality of Insulae Draconis
AS LIX, Volume 31, Issue 07, July 2024

Table of contents

Cover artwork: The Black Dog of Dun in Mara inspects dinner. Photo by the Chronicler.

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From their Highnesses

Greetings Noble Populace of Insulae Draconis!

We trust everyone has been enjoying the summer in whatever way brings each the most joy. We look forward to all the amazing events, work groups, practices, and other opportunities to live the dream in the coming weeks. And do not forget those on-line opportunities as well! There is a wealth of knowledge and fun to be tapped into without the need to travel, whether you are looking to learn a new skill, hone your own skills or assist others to do so, or just enjoy the company of others.

As most of you may already be aware, the event at which our Heirs will be determined, Ormþing LIX, is soon approaching. But even more quickly approaching is the deadline for potential Entrants to the Coronet Tournament to submit their Letters of Intent; as of publication of this edition of The Baelfyr, there will be only two weeks remaining to submit. Do not let “I dare not” wait upon “I would”! The deadline is 15 July, and the link to the submission form is:

Another significant event We hope to be able to accomplish at Ormþing LIX will be to read the new changes to Principality Law into court, and thus finish the difficult labors initiated by our predecessors and to which many of you nobles have contributed. In order to make that happen, We will hold a Parliament; to encourage as much participation from each of you as possible this Parliament will be held on-line on Monday, 05 August, at 7pm. Many of you are already familiar with the proposed changes as many were involved in their drafting, but We will distribute a document consolidating all the proposed changes in red ink. We ask that you take a few minutes to become familiar with the proposed changes, and join the on-line Parliament on 05 August. The link to the document is:

As always, We are incredibly proud of this Principality, all that Insulae Draconis has contributed to the Dream and all that this Principality will accomplish in the future!

From the Seneschal

Greetings all,

It is a perpetual astonishment to myself how quickly the year goes by, particularly with the various projects and enhancements one comes up with in a voluntary and lively organisations such as ours. It often feels like Lurchio trying to deliver his Prologue in Up Pompeii!

The Search For A Successor - deadline 28th July

As such things start, so they must also end. It is now two months until I step away from these tasks and hand on to another. Many thanks for the several expressions of interest so far, and one can apply either via the (now fixed!) link to the application form, or send in the following to

What Does A Principality Seneschal Actually Do?

Good question. Primarily, the Principality Seneschal is a focal point in the administration of the Principality. This is an oversight and reporting role, gathering in quarterly reports of, and supporting, the group Seneschals of the Principality. They are needing to be well-versed in both Principality and mundane laws, and maintain or create policy to meet such requirements.

The role is pretty much summed up as one of oversight, challenging problems and anticipating future issues coming down the line, and there are a few already on the horizon. The new Seneschal will be setting their priorities accordingly.

Good liaison skills are key to this position, as the Seneschal will be working with the Royals in order to support their aims and pageant, fellow Officers and teams in meeting obligations e.g. the Exchequer and the Finance Committee, as well as the Accessibility Team in order to keep the Principality solvent and as widely welcoming as possible.

How the new Seneschal executes their duties, and how much time they allocate is up to them, depending on the need and personal agenda. My own stint has been inordinately invested in time due to the ambition of my agenda, that derived from a review of the obligations and safety of the Principality for example - it has not been what my predecessors would call a routine term, nor should it be used as a measure of one’s own commitment.

Insulae Draconis Coronet 2024

We have over 90 bookings, with over forty tents booked in, which is an extraordinary feat of Yannick and co as we retrn to a castle in Wales. Places are still available, though the much-anticipated Feast cooked by Aodh is filling up quickly.

Insulae Draconis Summer Event 2025

Building upon previous years, the prestige of the Isles has at its core the tradition of a summer event as a gathering and demonstration of all that is best about this Principality. The Couronne de Caldicot, an edition of the Ormthing, is this year’s showpiece, but we are already looking for an event team to pull together another great event.

Why now, you may ask? Well, there are plenty of people who need to plan their work holiday so they can come and enjoy our events. Event venues book out fast, especially if you like SCA events in period buildings. It allows people to save up and keep an eye out for any bargains or sales in transport costs.

So please do put your thinking caps on, it is possible Caldicot would like us back, or perhaps there is another site you have in mind? Drop a line

Coronet Tournament format

August 2024

August Coronet Tournament format:

We wish to incentivize the practice of weapon systems other than sword and shield for a number of reasons. We believe these are skills vital to the health of our armored fighting community and ability to defend the Principality and thus the Western Borders of the Kingdom. We also believe that even if a Warrior does not choose to use an alternative weapon system they should at least be familiar in defending from such in a high pressure environment such as a tournament offers. Finally, We believe that the tournament format proposed below will give an increased chance to those Warriors who are more comfortable in the use of alternative weapon systems, as well as an increased level of chance for those who are watching the tournament.

We do not wish to mandate; that would require an additional burden of authorization that may discourage some otherwise noble candidates from pursuing the Celestial Coronet. But nor do we wish to merely encourage with fine words; as fine as they are, they will only appeal to those already convinced. We wish instead to incentivize via the scoring system of the tournament itself. The format will be thus:

Round Robin format, whereby each Entrant will contest each other Entrant once in a best of 3 combat.

The contests will result in the following point allocation:

Double kills will garner no status towards the best of 3 requirement and will need to be refought. If there are 3x double kills in a single match between the same Entrants, both Entrants must retire from the field without either earning the 3 points. It is thus possible that a single match results in 1 point for an Entrant who entered with sword and shield and 2 points for the Entrant who entered with an axe, but both ended up double-kills three times.

To recognize the importance of tactical footwork, three Edge Of The World violations by the same Entrant in a single match will result in that Entrant’s loss of the match and the award of the 3 points to their opponent. Entrants will be formally warned by the Marshal after the first and second violations.

After the Round Robin, points will be calculated and the decision made to move straight to a final round or whether there is a requirement for a semi-final. In both final and semi-final, the point system does not apply; it is strictly the victor of 3 out of 5 fights in a match who carries the victory, regardless of weapon system used.

If there are less than 10 entrants, the top two scoring Entrants will move immediately to a best 3 out of 5 contest to decide the Coronet. If there are 10 or more Entrants to the tournament, or no clear top two scores (in the case of ties) a semi-final round of the top 4 point holders will be held to determine the two finalists. If a semi-final round is held, it will be a simple double elimination format of best 3 of 5 matches.

Court Reports

This is a court report for St Bede’s Fair. St Bede’s Fair was organised by Flintheath.

Insulae Draconis court was held by Roland and Jahanara.

This court report is for court on 25 May 2024, it’s identified as Saturday Morning Court.

Court report filed by: Court Herald, Alexandre d’Avigné

Their Highnesses Roland and Jahanara were pleased to hold court on the opening morning of Bedesfayre, and having made their greetings they recognised several members of Insulae Draconis.

Phil of Flintheath, called Renart, was awarded arms. The Noble Renart was roundly acclaimed by those assembled.

Aðisla Arnulfsdóttir, Euphrosyne Eirenikina, and Amy of Osgoldcross were all admitted to the order of the Silver Martlet. Although Fru Aðisla was not in attendence, it was Their Highnesses’ will to have the award read into the record at this court, with the scroll to be presented later at Strawberry Raid. (Which happened.) The crowd thought all of these awards were also great.

Also in this court, Their Highnesses welcomed newcomers and children, and took oaths from those officers who had not yet sworn their oaths

This is a court report for St Bede’s Fair. St Bede’s Fair was organised by Flintheath.

Insulae Draconis court was held by Princess Jahanara Suren & Prince Roland of Follifoote.

This court report is for court on 26 May 2024, it’s identified as Sunday Evening Court.

Court report filed by: Court Herald, Shannon of Honor Hill

Their Celestial Highnesses opened their court by inviting some announcements from the event steward: Lady Rebecca of Flintheath who thanked all those involved in the running of St Bede’s Fair. Lady Rebecca then announced the results of the Prize Play which took place during St Bede’s. The sponsors Lady Alessandra Di’Rario and Lord John Yarrow called up their respective prize play participants: Lord Osric the Just and Captain Kenneth Elliot who both attained their Provost with aplomb.

Once the Huzzah’s had died down, the rest of the events marshals gave their reports on their respective activities. Lady Rebecca reported on all the fencing activities including the results of the Novice Fencing Tournament which was narrowly won by Taliesin Denet at his first event. His Excellency Ranulf Il Norreis called up some of the younger members of the Shire, namely Apollo, Lief Ranulfsson, and the absent Zeva and James of Flintheath, who proved to be excellent small Marshalls in arranging and running the Fighting Pits of Flintheath where His Excellency Ranulf prevailed with an outstanding number of points. The best non-belted fighter of the tournament was named as Nick Cometborn, he of the lightning fast great-sword seen a few years ago at the now legendary Coronet tournament in the fair city of Norwich.

The reports continued with the archery marshals giving a spirited description of the shoot that was held on the Saturday afternoon where participants were asked to shoot the French spy stealing the English horse, not the Horse. With special commiseration prizes given to those who lost arrows by the ‘Robin Hood method’, The Honourable Lord Guy de Dinan and The Honourable Lord Nero Lupo both receiving that commiserating honour. The bravest to shoot that day was Lord Radulfus de Wiston.

Although by this time they had already packed up and left, the Equestrians were confirmed to be magnificent and very entertaining for all who watched them decapitate, collect, skewer, stab, and generally reduce the number of cabbages in the ring to mere leaves. When they rode in earnest on the Saturday in ‘The Champion of St Bede’s’, Lady Lilith de Grey on Sir Michaelmas was victorious.

Unfortunately this herald forgot that the participants in the A&S at St Bede’s were wrangled and generally ‘marshalled’ in their efforts by the good Lady Joanne Yarrowe, and so did not insist that she also attend with the rest of the marshals in their announcements. I believe all those in attendance can agree that if the efforts of Lady Joanne in the arrangement of the A&S classes are anything to go by, she would have had marvellous announcements as well.

So we move onto the most exciting part of any court, who got what…

Their Celestial Highnesses asked for all members of the Order of the Fox to stand, whereupon the history and merits of the members of that order were read out for all to appreciate. Once we had fully comprehended the fullness of the award, Lord John Yarrowe was called before their Highnesses to take his place in the Order. In a slight deviation of customary proceedings, Lord John was asked to remain before their Highnesses, while all members of the Ffraid were asked to join the Fox in standing. The merits of the Ffraid were read out before Lady Joanne Yarrowe was asked to join her husband before their Highnesses to take her place in the Order of the Ffraid. The scroll was penned by Lord John Yarrowe himself, along with the carved acorn scroll holder. A beautiful piece of work. At that moment the Lady realised why she had been a ‘scroll widow’ for the last few weeks, and why Lord John had been so secretive throughout. Both new members were celebrated with resounding Vivant’s before being allowed to return to their seats.

Next the Order of the Silver Martlet were asked to stand, whereby their skills and talents in bringing beauty and wisdom to the Principality were extolled before Lady Àfriðr Eíriksdottir was called to come before their Highnesses and join the ranks of the Silver Martlet.

While this herald took a comfort break to imitate the warning system used around our shores in the event of heavy fog, the court had a moment to collect themselves, as this next one was big.

Their Highnesses called before them Their Excellencies Eularia Trewe and Alexandre d’Avigne as they had words of thanks for their Excellencies longstanding and faithful service to the Principality. As the writ was so in depth and had so much to recommend it I have reproduced it here below:

Unto Eularia and Alexandre late viscounts of Insulae Draconis do Jahanara and Roland princes of Insulae Draconis greet you: good health and peace be upon you.

Whereas we have been witness to your longstanding services to our principality, for you are known and beloved in the places wild and northern and also in the south with its soft comforts, the fenlands of the east, the castles of the west and among the people of Lough Devnaree,

and Whereas you have made your home to abide within the fenlands of Downham as part of our dear shire of Flintheath,

and Whereas blessed Edward the confessor of old granted a charter for a market nearto the Great Ouse within the hundred and half of Clackclose

Thus it is ordained, established and enacted by our hand and authority before these witnesses that by this charter we Roland and Jahanara confirm a mandate of our beloved servants Alexandre and Eularia to hold a New Market

Item: you are to hold the market weekly at your manor in Downham;

Item: the market is to include a shambles for meats and a cross for Cambridge butter and cheese;

Item: the mandate gives leave to host alien merchants from Nordmark, Aarnimetsa, Frankmark, the Hansas, Zeeland and Bruges;

Item: You are to appoint a market clerk who maintains the Insular weights and measures set by our chancellor, by which goods of all merchants local and alien are weighed and sold within the market

Item: Merchants with ships, both great and small, or boats, who wish to come by river Ouse, and also those who want to bring any victuals, stockfish and sturgeons excepted, may come by river to that town;

Item; merchants may stay in Newham, trade, make their commodity there, and depart thence without let or hindrance of the sheriff, or any other bailiffs or ministers of the coronet, provided they exercise their trade in lawful manner, and do, as well to the coronet as to others, the custom due and usual in those parts;

Further do we confirm license for an annual fair at your manor in Downham. The fair may include the ancient plays by the guilds, and also licensed performances such as they hold in London of Comedies, Tragedies, Enterludes, and Histories, both true and feigned, For the acting whereof you may erect certain publike places for the duration of the fair.

Fencing masters, dancing masters, actors, artificers, whoores and bawds, chavs, musicians, players and other low persons may stay for the duration of the fair, after which they may not be suffered to stay past night fall except that they pay a fee.

The fair is to be held upon the feast and morrow of St Thomas the Apostle being 4th day of July, long known as a festival beloved among the people of Flintheath, unless the fair be to the harm of neighbouring fairs, great tournaments or holy pilgrimages.

As surety for this mandate and license, We are pleased to receive from you sausages of the New Market totalling 1lb at our next court.

Done this feast day of the venerable Bede in the first year of our reign by our hand and seal.

Wording by Dame Genevieve la Flechiere
Research support from Master Nicholas d’Estleche and Dame Edith de Hedingham
Writ by HE Euphrosyne Eirenikina

Bar a few comments about the 1lb of Sausages of the New Market, here ended the court at St Bede’s Fair of Prince Roland and Princess Jahanara their most excellent Highnesses of Insulae Draconis.

History with Flintheath

By Rebecca of Flintheath

Originally posted 31st May 2024

The Galilee Porch at Ely Cathedral - the large covered porch on the west end which is now used as the main entrance - is considered one of the finest thirteenth-century porches in England. It may have been an elaboration or rebuilding of an earlier Galilee, and even during the medieval period its architecture and decoration was fine enough to be used as a precedent for the architecture of the Lady Chapel, built a century later.

A Galilee, in Church architecture, is a building at the west end of a church which was considered less sacred than the rest of the church. For example, the Galilee at Durham Cathedral is a chapel which was used by women, who were forbidden from entering the main church building. The name may have been a reference to “Galilee of the Gentiles”, referred to in Matthew 4:15, though according to another theory the name originated in the fact that processions formed up in the West end porch and their arrival in the church itself symbolised Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem from Galilee. The first record of a church structure called a Galilee comes from 1035 and referred to a building at the abbey of Cluny in Burgundy, which was highly influential across Europe at the time and may have inspired copycats in other monasteries as time went on: the Galilee chapel at Durham was built in the 1170s.

The Ely Cathedral Galilee Porch is attributed to Bishop Eustace, who was in his seat from 1197 to 1215, but there is evidence that he built on the foundations of an earlier porch: his Galilee is referred to as the “new” Galilee. However, porches were uncommon in Anglo-Norman churches and if they did have Galilees they were usually screened-off areas of the nave. Ely Cathedral has some filled-in wall sockets at the west end of its nave that could have supported a wooden screen, so it’s possible that the original Galilee was an internal space.

After the initial construction, more decorative work took place and there are even some surviving graffiti that suggest a finishing date in the middle of the 1200s: architectural sketches scratched on the inner walls of the Galilee that show designs for classically-thirteenth-century window tracery. It wasn’t uncommon for parts of a great church to be used as a masons’ tracing house before they were consecrated and the walls would have been covered with thin plaster. These surviving scratches went deeper than the plaster into the stone itself.

Originally posted 15th June 2024

William II, also known as William Rufus though it is not clear whether the nickname was ever used in his lifetime, was the third son of William the Conqueror and the second-oldest to survive him. He became the king of England when his father divided his realm on his death, leaving the duchy of Normandy to his eldest son Robert and the kingdom of England to William.

The historical record has not been kind to William, partly because he had the bad luck of being sandwiched between two much more famous kings and partly because most of the formal Latin records were written by the Church at a time when tensions were high between the Church and the Crown. While vernacular French records remembered him as chivalrous and good-humoured, the Latin records present him as an avaricious monster who presided over a court full of debauchery. This last point and the way it was described - together with the fact that he never married - has also led to a lot of speculation about William’s sexuality.

At this time, there was usually segregation between men and women, most noticeably in religious life but also for young military men; suitable brides were in relatively short supply, so most knights spent a lot of time as bachelors, living with other knights. Statistically, it is likely that not all these young men were straight, so it is likely that same-sex relationships did occur at William’s court. At the same time, changing fashions in Europe at the time led to the increasing appearance of hairstyles and clothing that conservative observers considered effeminate such as longer hair, shorter beards, and impractical long-toed shoes. At the time, the Church was campaigning hard against disapproved-of sexual practices including homosexuality, while also fuelling a growing trend of misogyny, so the behaviour of these young knights attracted a lot of criticism.

Since William led the court that was being portrayed as a debauched hotbed of homosexual activity and had also offended the Church by appropriating their revenues and quarreling with the Archbishop of Canturbury, he was naturally portrayed as the driving force behind everything seen to be wrong there, including his knights’ sexual habits. As early as the 1170s, in the verse chronicle Roman de Rou (or the Romance of Rollo), hints were being dropped that William was bisexual. His actual sexuality is unknown - we can’t look into his mind - and historians have been left to draw conclusions from hints dropped by his contemporaries and the fact that he never married, is not known to have had any mistresses, and there is only one hint of him ever having fathered an illegitimate child. This combination of factors really only shows that he had little to no interest in women - or that he was infertile - but has led to the conclusion that he was gay.

William died in a hunting accident in the New Forest when one of his companions shot him; there are many theories to this day that the accident was in fact a murder organised by his younger brother Henry, who shortly afterwards became Henry I. In an odd coincidence, it was also a hunting accident in the New Forest that had claimed his elder brother Richard at the age of about 15, though nobody has been accused of murdering him.

Originally posted 20th June 2024

The village of Cottenham has been one of the largest villages in Cambridgeshire since the 11th Century; according to the the Domesday Book it had 60 tenants in 1086, divided between two manors which may have been physically separate, one near the church and one around Crowlands manor house. There may also have been two village greens at the time, though by the 13th century the local surname “at green” had emerged, suggesting that there was now only one green.

Village greens generally emerged informally when the villages were first settled; many villages simply spaced their houses out so that there was a wide space between them that traffic moved across at will, and grassy areas on that space could serve as grazing for tethered animals. Even more cramped layouts generally saw patches of grass at junctions, and the location of the surviving green in Cottenham suggests this kind of green: a triangle between the roads that lead towards the church, Histon, and Rampton.

The medieval layout of the village south of the southern bend in the High Street - where the Co-op now is - was fairly regular, suggesting a planned village, perhaps laid out by the lord of the manor. This could have incorporated the two greens (the other was probably in the triangle between the High Street and Denmark Road). Planned greens do occur and were probably intended for animal grazing, though the surviving green at Cottenham is small for this purpose. However, supplemented by a second green and only designed to serve a limited number of farmsteads, it may have been big enough for occasional use. Some greens also served as marketplaces; there was an annual fair and weekly market granted to the rector of the church in 1265, at around the time that the northern green appears to have disappeared.

Originally posted 27th June 2024

During the 1100s, a series of earthquakes hit the area around what is now Lebanon and parts of south-east Turkey, northern Israel and north-west Jordan but at the time was the Principality of Antioch and County of Tripoli. This was the height of power of the Crusader states following the First Crusade and especially in Jerusalem to the south there was a great deal of building going on, especially of new castles and churches.

In the area of the earthquakes, most substantial buildings were of stone and humbler houses were built of sun-dried mud, and since this was an active war zone at the time many towns and castles were constantly under repair, increasing damage from the earthquakes. For example, the series of quakes from October to December 1138 resulted in the collapse of a castle and church at Harim on the modern Syrian border and the destruction of a Muslim citadel at nearby Athareb, killing 600 members of the garrison. Both locations had already been damaged by warfare and earlier earthquakes.

One especially notable earthquake occurred on 29th June 1170. Contemporary records describe the results in apocalyptic terms, though there may have been some exaggeration; some records describe how every building was razed to the ground but then mention that survivors had taken refuge in churches and mosques. However, it is clear that there was widespread destruction, especially since many buildings in the area were already badly damaged by an earlier earthquake in 1157 which had had its epicentre in almost the same place.

Both Muslims and Christians treated the earthquakes as God’s justice on a sinful world (and their enemies) and the 1170 earthquake resulted in an unofficial truce, though this had more to do with the need to rebuild than any fear of further divine retribution.

Strawberry Raid Adventures

By Keldor av Skellitta

Sigginstown Castle at night.
Sigginstown Castle at night (photo by Gwerful)

This adventure started at a New Year’s party, where the assembled room was asked where we should go: Crown Tournament or Strawberry Raid. Yes, because this travelogue is about Strawberry….. So… you can tell that we didn’t choose Crown.

Spring had several events this year for us. Double Wars, Coronation, etc. This time we travelled first to Holmrike for their Majgreve, a warm and fun event, after which we were given a place to sleep and a lift to the airport by Ganglere (many thanks).

Then our adventure in Ireland began.

We went north, we went east, we went west, we went south. I started as a passenger, as Kareina has driven a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side before. I gave little shouts of encouragement along the way… “Closer to the middle, closer to the middle argh…” After a day I tried driving on the left, and I got exactly the same call…

Incidentally, I have rarely seen such narrow roads, and the speed limit…. I didn’t dare to try to get up to legal speed..

We had time to look at some of the thousands of castles they have. We had time to visit the museum, we had time to meet random people on the road. However, we didn’t make it in time to see the only known rune stone on the mainland. We did manage to meet our king and queen for a couple of beers in a small cozy pub.

Oh, the bartender’s face, when he asked if I had tasted Guinness before, and I replied “only from a can”–his expression was priceless. Guinness on tap in a pub in Ireland is better.

After exploring much of the island, we made our way to the home of Etienne the Younger, packed up all our things into his car, and went to the site, which has a defensive tower/castle with surrounding fields.

We had been allowed to borrow a tent on site. (Many thanks to whoever lent us this, and the things to sleep on, and in.) The rest of Thursday evening was spent getting to know the other participants on site.

Oh, yah! Geri also arrived on Thursday. Geri had also been at the New Year’s party, and showed some interest in coming along. It is a little ironic that the times we have the opportunity to train together are on various long trips, as we normally live just over an hour apart.

But, back to the event…

Thursday evening, mingling, local beer, fire, conversation, eventually we went to bed. There came the first surprise, it gets cold here, really cold.

We woke up to our first work shift, cooking breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, porridge, bread, coffee, tea, fruit compote. One important note: Bacon here cannot be compared to what we have at home in Sweden. Swedish bacon is ashamed to be called bacon in comparison. My life without Irish bacon will be a little paler, a little harder.

Back to the event…

It’s Friday, breakfast is ready, time to do some training. Agnes clearly has an ability to get eminent coaches, and this year is no exception. But before training, there was a small court. Yda had been told that autocrats wanted to serve the thin fried on stove top pancakes (plattar in Swedish) for brunch. So Yda stood and fried them at full speed. When all the pelicans were summoned, Yda looks around for Valda, as it was known in advance that Valda would sit vigil this event, but she wasn’t on the site yet, then Yda realises they are coming for her. It was a good surprise, and a good daytime vigil, with plattar. Plattar make everything better.

Then there was (fighting) training.

Did I say that Agnes finds amazing trainers? She does! Duke Brannos shared his fighting philosophy and a bit of how his fighting works. The first day we had to learn to walk, to keep our distance and to always be on our best guard. Or rather to try…

Then we armoured up, and had a little melee. The last blow to the melee left me alone on our side. Against Krake and Brannos as opponents… It went as expected, they had to help each other to succeed in winning…. 😉

Then there were some pickups, followed by a hot shower, followed by dinner.

Then it was time for court, people got to glow under the spotlight of recognition. Drachenwald got some more nobles, we got to see a new pelican being taken up in the flock. Then Valda is sent on vigil to consider joining the pelicans, and. Alexander was also sent to sit vigil to consider becoming a knight.

Did I mention they sat vigil in a mediaeval castle? The rest of us celebrated outside, with cheese, bread, drink, sausages. A full party worth of snacks was in place.

Eventually, soon after Kareina and I got in to say some “wise” words and talk to both of them, the party was moved back to camp, where it continued well into the night, when we went to bed the singing started in the prince’s part of the camp. I fell asleep listening to the singing.

Again we wake up, eat breakfast and then it’s time for the day’s training. This time it was about pressure, how to put pressure on your opponent and how to stay relaxed yourself, we also went through how to shorten the range. Later they held a tournament. I skipped it and went on to the market instead.

I had brought a few knife blades to the event, and I sold most of them. I also found some commemorative castle bags, some leather to make knife sheaths of, a pair of shoes, and some cool stickers. When the market was over, it was time for court. A court with two new peerages Valda as pelican and Alexander as knight. So there were tears.

After the court we wandered over to House Green for the round table discussion about peerage, a little about what how and why. It was an interesting discussion that quickly went quite late into the night.

Sunday morning. I fixed the breakfast. So it was a morning of pleasant conversations about how bacon should be fried. Along with all the other possible subjects.

Eventually we moved on to training. There we went a bit into the psychological part of fighting.

And a little about how to put the different parts together.

I sneaked away from the end of practice, to attend the tour of the castle. Of course I did, it’s not every day you get a guided tour of a castle led by the King Consort of the East. Who, incidentally, has been involved in parts of the castle restoration. Not only is the castle beautiful, the view from the tower is quite nice.

After lunch we geared up for an afternoon with pickups. I had some really fun fights. It is always fun to find new playmates. Sunday also had a theatre presentation. A dramatic story about how a dragon was horribly killed, how a doctor saved the dragon for the right money, and lots more. I feel so sorry for our poor king and queen who missed the entire show.

The rest of Sunday was spent on important things, saying goodbye to those who were going home. Toasting marshmallows over a fire, talking about everything between heaven and earth. Eventually it was time to give up and go to bed and sleep again, this despite the knowledge that the event would be over when we woke up.

Monday. We worked together cleaning after breakfast, then we stayed a few hours to help them take down the big tents. When that was done, and we had done the obligatory round to say goodbye, we returned to Etianne’s house, where I collapsed on the sofa and slept the afternoon away.

Tuesday, the event being over, we went and looked at the local Ulfberht sword at the museum. That is so cool. The rest of the museum is nice, too.

Many thanks to all of you who made this event as good as it could be, a special thanks to noble Ingemar for everything and especially the coffee.

Your most humble storyteller,


Ps:1 don’t know what/who they sacrificed to get this weather. Brilliant sun every day…

But it was definitely worth it.

Ps:2 I got/took the last strawberry. #lifegoal

Ps:3 If you’ve ever thought about going to this event, do it, it’s definitely worth it. It’s a fantastic event.


These are the upcoming events in Insulae Draconis.

To submit an event for inclusion, use the form on the Drachenwald website, You don't need to provide all information right away; a minimal entry is enough at first.

The day after you submit an event, you'll receive an email with a link to edit your entry. Changes will be reflected on the Principality website within a few minutes, and in editions of the Baelfyr that are published before the event takes place. (If you're unable to find that link, contact for help.)

To keep entries consistent between the calendars, The Baelfyr no longer accepts event submissions by email.

Ormþing LIX - Couronne de Caldicot

Hosted by Insulae Draconis

Begins: Thursday, 15 August 2024
Ends: Monday, 19 August 2024

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, Archery, Dancing, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Camping, Sewing, Royalty present, Equestrian

Ormþing - Insulae Draconis Summer Event and Coronet Tourney.

Site address: Caldicot Castle, Church Rd, Caldicot, Wales, NP26 4HU

Event steward: Yannick of Normandy (

Reservation: Bookings will open via the event website on Friday 1st March 2024 at 20:00 UTC +0

Cost: Please note that everyone MUST Pre-Register for this event in order to attend.
Due to our Insurance policies, Any Un-booked attendance is not permitted.

Full event Ticket: Non Members £100.00
Full event Ticket: Members £90.00

Full event Ticket: Non Members with Concession £70.00
Full event Ticket: Members with Concession £60.00

Staying Off-Site: Non Members £60.00
Staying Off-Site: Members £50.00

Staying Off-Site: Non Members with Concession £50.00
Staying Off-Site: Members with Concession £40.00

Single Day/Overnight: Non Members £55.00
Single Day/Overnight: Members £50.00

Single Day/Overnight: Non Members with Concession £50.00
Single Day/Overnight: Members with Concession £45.00

Single Day: Non Members £35.00
Single Day: Members £30.00

Single Day: Non Members with Concession £30.00
Single Day: Members with Concession £25.00

Anyone under the age of 18 at the time of booking. Free of Charge.

Concessions available for:
OAPs, Disabled, Unwaged, Student

Payment: Payment information will be provided after registration, Foreign guests can pay at the doorDue to current UK and Ireland insurance policies, we must submit our entire entire guest list to our insurer one week before the event. There will therefore be no walk-ins, or bookings taken after the 7th August 2024.

Site information:


Duck! A fun day of throwing sticks at targets.

Hosted by Dun in Mara

Takes place: Saturday, 24 August 2024

Activities: Archery, Feast or Potluck

There will be both a field shoot and a target range available on the day. Activities will be aimed at the archery community. If you aren’t an archer there will be people gathered at the fire or on the range working on A&S projects to keep you company and cheer our brave archers on. Lunch and snacks will be served. The event is in garb. Deadline for reservations is August 21st.

Site address: Clara Scout Hall, Clara, Co. Offaly

Event steward: Lady Aoífe ní Aodhagáin (

Reservation: Please note that reservations will close on the 21st of August.

Member ticket - €20, Member student/unwaged ticket - €15, non-Member ticket - €25, Children 12 and under are free.

Payment: Payments are via the fienta link provided.

Site information: Site has room for a target shoot, field shoot is next door at Aspire. Site has indoor toilets, a hall and a professional kitchen. There is parking available and a train station within walking distance.
The target shoot site is a field so accessibility is slightly rough, chairs can be provided for seated shooting. Field shoot is in a woodland so accessiblity is again somewhat limited.


Hastilude Eboracum

Hosted by Pontalarch

Takes place: Sunday, 1 September 2024

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Classes,socials,light lunch.

Hastilude Roving Practice; classes with Sir Alexandre d’Avignon.Fights at all levels.Evening socials.Follows Shire Day on 30 August.Pre event social evening of 30 April in same venue.

Site address: Tockwith Village Hall,Tockwith,York

Event steward: Alessandra di Riario (

Reservation: please ensure you are registered on your insurance details for events in Pont Alarch.Sign up sheet to follow with options for carshare and crash space etc.please note sign up for shire day on preceding day is separate.

Cost: donations on day.

Payment: Payments can be made on sitePlease note if you attend Shire day on previous day there us a fee of 10 pounds payable on day.

Site information:

Indoor and outdoor fighting space,plus breakout room please note limited parking,please consider carshare,no onsite accommodation,website to follow with details of local hotels,and B and Bs.Site has two pubs next to it one serving food and a local shop closeby.

Baroness’ tropical bash

Hosted by Eplaheimr

Takes place: Saturday, 7 September 2024

Activities: Archery, A&S, Feast or Potluck

Are your fingers raw and bleeding from making garb? Are you scorched from cooking? Blinded from pouring over parchments? Are the cares of fighting for the kingdom weighing heavily on you? Are the politics giving you a severe dose of ennui. If so, it is time for some frivolity, whimsy and fun. Lean into the Creative of SCA and come and join us in Eplaheimr for the……..

Baroness’ tropical bash
7 September 2024, Jim Kirwan Scout Centre, Clara

A tropical themed knees up, with friendly competitions and much silliness to see who will be crowned the king and queen of whimsey.

The competition will allow all participants to enter into all of the following events, (in a spirit of fun and light-heartedness).

• Archery shoot of the pineapple.
• Coconut shy
• Poi twirling
• Best hula hoop dancer
•. make and wear the flower crown, materials will be supplied.
• Come dressed in your best tropical adaptation of your existing garb-including headwear
• tropical themed cocktail, bring a cocktail of your own invention, this can be with or without alcohol.

Points will be given for participation, for winner and for the most entertaining entry.

Mid afternoon feast will be potluck,

Arrive 10am onwards for Tea, coffee and scones.
Competitions start at 11am
Feast with sampling of cocktails.
Baronial court to announce and crown the big Kahuna
Bardic circle competition

Please note: there will be missions at this event for freelance assassins.

Jim Kirwan Scout Hall is a large Scout Hall. It is extremely convenient to Clara Train station which is on the main Dublin to Galway and Dublin to Athlone train line

Site address: Jim Kirwan Scout Hall, Clara, County Offaly, Ireland

Event steward: Baroness Adele De Chadwykke (

Reservation: As per ID insurance, registration will be online. Online registration will close 3 days before the event. To Book:

Cost: Members €20, non-members €25
Members: €15 - Non members: €20
Under 18s
Members: Free - Non members: €5
Extra Charges are for insurance coverage for non members. Membership (only 15 STG/year) means you get to attend all events in a 12-month at the reduced membership prices and get covered by insurance.

Payment: Payments can be made on site, Payment will be made by fienta at time of booking. Link to follow

Site information:


Baht 'at Bardic

Hosted by Pontalarch

Begins: Friday, 20 September 2024
Ends: Sunday, 22 September 2024

Activities: Dancing, Feast or Potluck, Bardic

A weekend of bardic focused delights in the wilds of North Yorkshire. Singing, music, dancing, acting.

Site address: Beamsley Project Charitable Trust, Harrogate Road, Hazlewood, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 6JA

Event steward: Amy of Osgoldcross (

Reservation: Registration via the site website which will launch mid-march

Cost: Non-members
bed, bardic, food = £98
Bardic and food = £48

bed, bardic, food = £95
Bardic and food = £45

The price for bed, bardic and food includes: a bed in a dorm of no more than 4 people (a single bed each) with bedding included, several very clean wc's, shower rooms and a bath (towels also provided) Five meals (travellers fayre, Saturday breakfast, feast, supper, Sunday breakfast) also tea, coffee, water/squash in the 'quiet room'/dining room.


Michaelmas Fair

Hosted by West Dragonshire

Begins: Friday, 27 September 2024
Ends: Sunday, 29 September 2024

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, A&S, Camping

We have been invited to participate in the Hospital of St. Cross annual Michaelmas Fair; participating helps ensure we can obtain the site for future Pilgrimages. We can have fighting and A&S. We will be able to make it a weekend event and camp/crash, although the Fair (for the public) itself is ONLY Saturday, 28th September. At other times, the public will not be present.

Site address: Hospital of St. Cross St Cross Back St, Winchester SO23 9SD

Event steward: Raphe Cuthbert (

Reservation: Please contact the event steward

Cost: This is a public demonstration as part of a St Cross event. There is no event fee.

Site information: The Hospital of St. Cross is a medieval/Tudor site, with various buildings and green space. More details regarding camping locations to come. Fighting will be in the centre green.

Champions of Lough Devnaree XVII

Hosted by Dun in Mara

Begins: Friday, 27 September 2024
Ends: Sunday, 29 September 2024

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, Archery, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Camping

Pray Attend! Lords , Ladies, Good Gentles All, Members of the Populace of Lough Devnaree and shores far and wide;
Will you bring your sword, your rapier, your bow, or your cunning art and science skills in pursuit of becoming one of the next Champions of Lough Devnaree!?

The Shire of Dun in Mara welcomes you to a weekend full of competition and fellowship. We will host tournaments for Armoured Combat, Fencing, Archery, and Arts and Sciences.

The event will occur from 18:00 on Friday 27 until 14:00 on Sunday 28 September. Dun in Mara cancellation policy applies.

Our kitchens will provide Traveler’s Fare on Friday evening. Breakfast, Lunch and Feast will be served on Saturday, and Breakfast on Sunday.

Site Address:
Jim Kirwan Scout Hall
Co. Offaly
R35 HT67

Site Information:
The Site allows for camping and crash space. No bedding or sheets will be provided.
There might be dogs at this event. They are allowed outdoors and indoors if they are on a leash. We ask all dog owners to control their dog´s behaviour.

To be determined.
Will include Armoured Combat, Archery, Fencing, and Arts and Sciences.

Arts and Sciences competition
To be determined.

Costs and food:
Full weekend with meals and crash space or camping:

Full Event – Member ticket: 25€
Day Trip – Member ticket: 20€
Full Event – Non-Member: 37€
Day Trip – Non-member: 24€

Site address: Jim Kirwan Scout Hall Clara Co. Offaly R35 HT67

Event steward: Alays de Lunel (

Bookings close on September 19.

Cost: Full weekend with meals and crash space or camping:
Full Event – Member ticket: 25€
Day Trip – Member ticket: 20€
Full Event – Non-Member: 37€
Day Trip – Non-member: 24€

Payment: Payments are due during booking.

Site information:


Medieval Dead

Hosted by Eplaheimr

Begins: Friday, 25 October 2024
Ends: Sunday, 27 October 2024

Activities: Archery, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Camping

Come join us as the moon orbits the skies, where the spirits dance and visit. Where they hide in the shadows as we sit around the midnight fire. Explore the foods of the new world but less we forget the lands that celebrate this festival. We will taste the food of Ireland. Come play games, and join us as we entertain around the fire.

Site address: Clara Scouts Den, Jim Kirwain Scout hall

Event steward: THL Meadbh Rois Ineagh Ui Chaoimh & THL Órlaith Chaomhánach

Reservation: To Book -

Cost: Full weekend crash space Members € 40 non members € 45
Full weekend unwaged /student Members € 30 Non members €35
Day trip (including feast) Members €15 Non Members €20
Children under 12 are free

Payment: Payments can be made on site

Site information: Clara Scouts Den, Jim Kirwan Scouts Hall, The Island, Clara, Co Offaly, Ireland R35 HT 67


Yule Ball

Hosted by Flintheath

Begins: Friday, 6 December 2024
Ends: Sunday, 8 December 2024

Activities: Fencing, Dancing, A&S, Feast or Potluck

This is Flintheaths’s annual Yule Ball, held on the first full weekend of December at Buckden Towers in Cambridgeshire, England. The site is period with a Tudor gategouse and tower, and older chapels. The site used to be a waystop for the Bishop’s of Lincoln between their see and London, and was also the penultimate residence of Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s first wife.

THis year’s Holly Monarch will be decided by a rapier tournament, after which there will be other rapier activities.

Feast will be at lunchtime, based on the theme of street food, probably followed by court.

Aftewards will be a A&S show and tell and the ball will start the revelries for the rest of the day and night.

Site address: Buckden Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5TA, UK

Event steward: Nicholas de Estleche dictus le Tardif (

Reservation: The link to the reservation form can be found on the website when it becomes live.

Cost: Standard Event Fee: £50
Non-member surcharge: £9
If you wish to skip feast: -£10

Bunk: £20
Bed in the Victorian House: £50

Payment: Payment information will be provided after registration, Foreign guests can pay at the door, but must confirm with a copy of their travel details.
With exceptions, payment if required to confirm your booking.

Site information: The site is period with a Tudor gatehouse and tower, and older chapels. The site also includes a modern Roman Catholic church which encompasses the chapels, and is a run by the Roman Catholic Church with regular Masses, so please be respectful. Attendees are welcome to attend the services. The Church of England parish church is literally the other side of a wall from the tower, but requires a walk around the block to reach.

There is also a Victorian era house and extensive grounds. All the buildings have modern amenities, althoug wifi is patchy.

There are 40 bunks and 4 single corner rooms in the tower. The house holds 28 or 29 beds, depending on how tall you are. The gate house holds 3 available apartments with 12 beds. There is further accomodation at two local inns within easy walking distance, although a little more pricey.

Being a period site, mobility access is not universal. Access to the tower is via 5 stepsm and the higher f;oors where the bunks are located are accessed by a refurished, but substantial circular staircase.

All areas of the Victorain House on the ground floor can be access without steps, although not always by the most direct, or entirely indoor, route. The house contains the only fully accessible bedroom with two single beds and an en suite bathroom. There are further bedrooms accessible via a wide and shallow staircase with substantial bannisters.

Outdoor lighting is limited and the lighting in the house bedrooms is not bright.


12th Night Coronation - Corónú Nollaig na mBan

Hosted by Eplaheimr

Begins: Friday, 10 January 2025
Ends: Sunday, 12 January 2025

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, Archery, Dancing, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Royalty present

The Barony of Eplaheimr is proud to welcome all throughout the Kingdom to witness the glorious succession of the Dragon Thrones and the Crowning of the true heirs of Drachenwald. Come one and all to this joyful celebration!

Nollaig na mBan is the Irish name for 12th night - it means ‘Women’s Christmas’. We will also be celebrating the women in our Kingdom and in history over the weekend.

Site address: Petersburg Outdoor Education Centre

Event steward: Baroness Melisende Fitzwalter OL (

Reservation: Booking opens 1st August:

Petersburg Centre
Adult full event, all food - €65
Adult Daytrip/offsite, all food - €50
Adult Daytrip/offsite, no Feast - €40
Child age 6 to 12, full event - €47
Child age 6 to 12, daytrip/offsite, all food - €30
Child age 6 to 12, daytrip/offsite, no feast - €25
Child age 5 and under, using bed - €16 (cost)
Child age 5 and under daytrip/offsite – Free
Petersburg House
Adult full event, all food - €85
Adult Daytrip/offsite, all food - €50
Adult Daytrip/offsite, no Feast - €40
Child age 6 to 12, full event - €65
Child age 6 to 12, daytrip/offsite, all food - €30
Child age 6 to 12, daytrip/offsite, no feast - €25
Child age 5 and under, using bed - €42 (cost)
Child age 5 and under daytrip/offsite – Free

Minors between the ages of 13 and 18 will be priced as adults.
Any non-members will be charge €5 extra per day

Payment: Payments can be made on site
Main payment portal will be online through Fienta. Booking is expected to open at the start of August

Site information:
Site is divided into the Centre - with larger bunk dormitories and shared bathrooms, and the House with small ensuite bunk rooms. The site provides sheets and pillows/cases, but no bedding.


Lough Devnaree University

Hosted by Glen Rathlin

Begins: Friday, 14 March 2025
Ends: Sunday, 16 March 2025

Activities: A&S, Feast or Potluck

Come join the people of Glen Rathlin and the rest of Lough Devnaree for a weekend of learning

Site address: Crawfordsburn scout camp

Event steward: Caitriona of the Ravens


Bookings will be by Fienta

Site information: Crawfordsburn scout camp

Flaming Arrow

Hosted by Glen Rathlin

Begins: Friday, 2 May 2025
Ends: Sunday, 4 May 2025

Activities: Archery, Feast or Potluck

Another weekend of archery, food and good company

Event steward: Caitriona of the Ravens

St Bede's Fair ~ Flintheath's Anniversary

Hosted by Flintheath

Begins: Friday, 23 May 2025
Ends: Monday, 26 May 2025

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, Archery, Dancing, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Camping, Sewing, Equestrian

SAVE THE DATE! Flintheath invites you to join us again at Manor Farm for St Bede’s Fair to celebrate the Shire’s 40th anniversary!

Event steward: Eularia Trewe

Strawberry Raid IV

Hosted by Dun in Mara

Begins: Wednesday, 28 May 2025
Ends: Monday, 2 June 2025

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, Archery, Dancing, A&S, Camping, Sewing

The Shire of Dun In Mara welcomes you to Strawberry Raid IV, six days of camping around the beautifully restored 15th-16th century tower house of Sigginstown Castle, in the beautiful sunny South-East of Ireland.

We will enjoy a range of activities from the arts, crafts and camp cookery to the martial pursuits of armoured combat, fencing and archery. Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome across the board

Site address: Sigginstown Castle, Sigginstown, Tomhaggard Co. Wexford, Ireland Y35 XK7D

Event steward: Aodhan Dha Cheist (

To be confirmed

Payment: Payment information will be provided after registration

Site information:


October Crown 2025

Hosted by Depedene under Wychwood

Begins: Friday, 10 October 2025
Ends: Sunday, 12 October 2025

Activities: Heavy Fighting, Fencing, A&S, Feast or Potluck, Royalty present

October Crown Tourney

Event steward: Valda ingen Chaemgein


These are the branches that make up Insulae Draconis, and contact details for their officers.

To update the information here, use the form for the Drachenwald regnum:

Depedene under Wychwood

Northern England


Valda ingen Chaemgin (Michelle Parker ) She/Her

Armoured Combat Marshal

Joel ben Stuart He/Him

Dun in Mara

East coast of Ireland


Alays de Lunel She/Her


Etienne the younger


Gabrielle of Dun in Mara (Kate Kaller) She/Her

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Katie of Dun in Mara (Katie) She/Her


Aoífe ní Aodhagáin (Eva Mühlhause) She/Her


Aodh Ó Siadhail (Drew Shiel) He/Him

Web Minister

Cassian of Allyshia (Violet Waldo ) They/She


Central, west and south Ireland


Eplaheimr-Jin Unegen (Yann Coussot)


Robert of Eplaheimr (Robert O' Rourke) He/Him

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Kytte of the lake (Catherine Terrett ) She/Her


Fianna Rua Nic Mhathúna (Davina Mc Mahon) She/Her


Melisende Fitzwalter She/Her

Web Minister

Melisende Fitzwalter She/Her


East Anglia


Captain Kenneth Elliot (Kenneth Askew)


Nicholas de Estleche dictus le Tardif (Nicholas Adams)


Shannon of Oak of Honor Hill (Shannon Webster)

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Bronwen Selwyn (Susan Stallman)


Alexandre Lerot d'Avigné He/Him


Rebecca of Flintheath She/Her

Web Minister

Eularia Trewe She/Her

Glen Rathlin

Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the historical Province of Ulster


Natacha of Glen Rathlin




Elen Benet (Helen Lever)

Web Minister

Maria Harsick


Athlone Institute of Technology


Kier of Kingeslake




Samuel of Klakavirki (Sam O'Donnell) He/Him


Birna of Klakavirki She/Her

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Padraig of Klakavirki He/Him

Archery Marshal

Alexandria of Klakavirki (Anna Reneau) She/Her

Fencing Marshal

Rúnar of Klakavirki (Rúnar Páll Benediktsson ) He/Him

Mynydd Gwyn

Wales and west of England

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Richard of Salesberie (Rick Williams) He/Him


Central England


Alex of Long Riston (Alex Crompton)


THL Haesel de Berneslai


Hildr of pont Alarch She/Her

Armoured Combat Marshal

Wolfram von Falkenstein (David A McIntee) He/Him

Archery Marshal

Áfríðr Eiríksdóttir

Social Media Minister

Hannah Zamoyska Lancaster She/Her


Greater London, England


Vitus They/Them

Signet Clerk

Marcella di Cavallino She/Her

Web Minister

Marcella di Cavallino She/Her

West Dragonshire

Southern England


Ariel of Lindisfarne She/They


Alex of Long Riston (Alex Crompton) He/Him


Thomas Flamanc (John Sawyer) He/Him

Web Minister

Raphe Cuthbert (Ian Walden) He/Him

Insulae Draconis Regnum

Prince and Princess Jahanara Suren




Guy de Dinan (Adam Edwards) He/Him


Mary Verch Thomas (Mary Frost) She/Her


Bella Donna (Michelle King) She/Her

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Áfríðr Eiríksdóttir

Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences

Órlaith Chaomhánach (Cee Kavanagh) She/Her


Shirin Perot-duxt (Sarah Brider) Any

Archery Marshal

Kier of Eplaheimr (Kieran Veale) He/Him

Marshal of Fence

Esbiorn Jensson (David Cordes) He/his


Sela de la Rosa She/Her

Signet Clerk

Arianhwy Wen/Aria Gemina Mala/Ari Mala She/Her

Maredudd ap Gwylim (Edward Boreham) He/Him

Web Minister

Eadbald æt Underbrycge (Adrian Wright) He/Him

Deputy Webminister

Yannick of Normandy He/Him

Principality Map