AS LIX Volume 32, Issue 12
Nov/Dec 2024
From their Highnesses
Unto the populace of Insulae Draconis greetings. ...Court Reports
This is a court report for Champions of Lough Devnaree XVII. Champions of Lough Devnaree XVII was organised by Dun in Mara. ...Prize Play announcement
Unto the Academy of Defence of the Kingdom of Drachenwald, our Sovereign Rulers of the same, and all nobles and attendants of their court, do I Baron Nicholas de Estleche dictus le Tardif, Prefect of the said Academy, Companian of the Silver Guard and the Fox &c, send greetings. ...Archery Lesson 3: Check Arrow Length for safety
Not everyone is built in the same way. Some people have longer arms, different size torsos and longer jaw lines. Because of this, different people have different draw lengths which in turn means that they need different lengths of arrows. When you are starting in archery the first thing to worry about in reference to arrow length is to ensure that the arrows are not too short. Arrows being too long you can live with. Arrows being too short can spell disaster. When beginners are at full draw you want at least an extra 2 inches of arrow length beyond the front of the bow for safety. ...