AS LVIII Volume 31, Issue 02
February 2024
From their Highnesses
Greetings to the noble populace of Insulae Draconis! ...From the Seneschal
Greetings all, ...From the Chronicler
I have people to thank this month. Thank you to Deputy Chronicler meldun, who prepared most of this issue while I was unwell. And thank you to you, the reader, for your patience in receiving this delayed issue. Having a small team to work with, rather than all the responsibilites falling on one person, makes this already enjoyable duty feel light. ...Archery Update
From Lord Kier of Eplaheimr Lieutenant General of Archers For Insulae Draconis Archery and Thrown Weapons Update ...Welcome to Lough Devnaree
All manner of things have been happening on our smaller island of Ireland, or, as it is better known to our SCA population here as Lough Devnaree. Dun in Mara will be hosting Crown Tournament in April in the lands of Glen Rathlin, so I thought this time might be useful to try to explain a few names of places you’ve probably seen pop up in the digital realm recently and which are probably a bit confusing out of context. ...History with Flintheath
Originally posted 11th January 2024 ...The Wards of I.33
As of July last year I was certified as severely sight impaired, in old terms, legally blind. Part of this means I’m no longer able to read printed text. As a result, I decided to OCR some stuff so it could be read via Text to Speech (TTS), but of course that doesn’t work with the pictures. One of the books I am converting is ‘Medieval Sword and Shield’ by Paul Wagner and Stephen Hand, based upon the I.33 manuscript dating from c.1300 and held by the Royal Armories. Writing a description of their photographs, made me take a closer look at better quality images of the manuscript than their book reproduces, and as a result brought to light quite a few deviations. These deviations may well come from practice, but they are worth noting, and the descriptions below also probide a textual version of the pictures. ...