AS LVIII Volume 31, Issue 01
January 2024
From their Highnesses
Greetings to Our Illustrious People, ...From the Seneschal
Bloavezh mat! ...From the Minister of Arts and Sciences
Seasonal Greetings My Lords, My Ladies and Gentle Nobles ...Court Reports
This is a court report for Ilchomórtas Coróineád Insulae Draconis (Coronet Tourney). Ilchomórtas Coróineád Insulae Draconis (Coronet Tourney) was organised by Eplaheimr. ...Upcoming Projects
Looking for a project to get your teeth into in the coming year? Not able to get to any events and want take part? ...History with Flintheath
Originally posted 7th December 2023 ...Medieval Genealogy – Midwinter Fun
As some of you will know I enjoy genealogy. There’s a lot of rubbish online, where one tree blindly copies some poor or deliberately falsified research aimed at getting people to famous or gateway ancestors. Much of this was done before the internet made it easy to falsify, but also easy to disseminate. However, the internet has also made it relatively easy to do proper research yourself. To do it properly, ie. looking at copies of the original records rather than poor indexes, isn’t free, but it is certainly cheaper tha it used to be in money and time than having to personally visit the county archives, and in even older times, the individual parish churches. ...Ormthing announcement
Save the Date! ...